Recommendation in favor of a victim of trafficking

The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) addressed Recommendation 83/2020 to the Commissioner of the National Migration Institute (INM), Francisco Garduño Yáñez, and to the General Coordinator of the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR), Andrés Alfonso Ramírez Silva, for violations of the human rights of a foreign woman, a victim of human trafficking.
foreign woman, a victim of human trafficking.

The CNDH received a complaint stating that since July 14, 2018, a person remained deprived of her liberty at the “Las Agujas” Migratory Station in Mexico City, despite being a victim of trafficking, being married to a Mexican and having
and having requested recognition of refugee status.

The CNDH determined that, during her admission to the Migratory Station, the victim was in conditions of multiple vulnerability, having suffered sexual violence and being a migrant, which obliged the Mexican authorities to provide her with protection. Despite this, INM personnel failed in their obligation to detect and identify her as a victim of a crime; they did not carry out an analysis that would allow them to provide her with timely and effective attention; nor did they inform her of her rights, nor did they guarantee her the exercise of these rights.

Contrary to the provisions of the immigration legislation and in violation of her fundamental rights, she was arbitrarily detained in the immigration precinct, without receiving specialized medical attention or psychological assistance that would offer her the opportunity to recover from the physical and psychological consequences derived from the experience she had undergone. 

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