Global defense of human rights

Monitoring Ombudsman’s Offices


The Femicide Observatory of the National Ombudsman’s Office reported that between January 1 and October 31, 2020, 243 confirmed femicide victims were registered.


The Ombudsman’s Office deeply regrets the death of students at the Public University of El Alto (UPEA), and asked to investigate the presence of students despite health restrictions.


The Ombudsman (e.f.), Francisco Fernández Marugán, has welcomed the Government’s decision to accept his recommendation for covid-19 to be recognized as an occupational disease for healthcare professionals.


The Ombudsman’s Office warned that, during the pandemic, there were various forms of sexual harassment that also constitute gender-based violence. Therefore, in the framework of the Day of Fight against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, the Ombudsman’s Office warned that, during the pandemic, there were several forms of sexual harassment that also constitute gender-based violence.


The Ombudsman, Freddy Carrión, stated that there is a conflict of interest in the delivery of vaccines.


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