Report of the CNDH’s actions in Correctional Systems in during the pandemic

  • National Monitoring System identified potential risks for women

The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) president, Rosario Piedra Ibarra, introduced the Report of Actions of the CNDH in the Correctional Systems during COVID-19 pandemic, for the purpose of making known the actions conducted from this National Organism to protect and defend the human rights of 215,232 people deprived of their liberty in the Correctional Centers of the country.

During a virtual transmission, accompanied by Hilda Tellez Lino, Director General of the CNDH’s 3rd Visitor’s Office, Piedra Ibarra ratified the commitment of the National Commission with this population group, their families and the persons in charge of penitentiary centers, and explained that Mexico confronts a significant sanitary challenge which has revealed the opportunity areas in prisons, and which have intensified as a result of the pandemic, and are shown in the deficiencies in health services and water, for example, that exist in those places.

The CNDH implemented a National Monitoring Mechanism for COVID-19 in correctional centers, which by February 23, 2021 has registered three thousand 289 positive cases, 7 suspects, 250 mortalities and two thousand 782 people who were recovered from the virus.

Also, 26 monitoring visits were conducted in 17 states across the country to verify the implementation of preventive actions, attention and mitigation of health risks, the results of a special report presented last July. In additional, there were 13 recommendations emitted, 5 of them directed to the Decentralized Administrative Organ for Prevention and Social Readaptation, and the presence of adjunct visitors has been preserved in the Federal Centers to directly assist persons deprived of their liberty.

Regarding the area of complaints and nonconformities during 2020, 1,38 thousand 38 complaints were registered, 717.3% more, compared to 2019. Of the total number of complaints, 55.1% correspond to alleged violations of the right to health and 136 are related to problems derived from the Sars-Cov-2 virus.

Also within the framework of the National Diagnosis of Penitentiary Supervision, risk situations were identified, for example, in the Female Reinsertion Center of Tapachula, Chiapas, where dangers for women were detected and requests for precautionary measures were sent, in addition to initiating an ex officio investigation.

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