Action of Unconstitutionality against the Law of the FGR

Human rights to legal security, freedom of work and the principle of the presumption of innocence, among others, are violated.

The Commission carried out a thorough analysis on the constitutionality of the Decree issuing the Law on the Attorney General’s Office, repealing the Organic Law of the Attorney General’s Office and amending, adding to and repealing various provisions of different legal systems, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on 20 May, that is, a study was carried out on its compatibility with the parameter of constitutional regularity.

As a result of the analysis carried out, the CNDH challenged various provisions of the legal systems in question, among which the following provisions stand out:

  • Articles 10, section I, 19, section XIV, of the Law on the Office of the Attorney-General of the Republic.
  • Article 5, section II, of the Law for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders.
  • Article 85, second paragraph, of the General Law on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Crimes related to Trafficking in Persons and on the Protection and Assistance to the Victims of Such Crimes.
  • Article 36, section IV, of the General Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence.
  • Article 45, section III, of the General Law on Forced Disappearance of Persons, Disappearance Committed by Private Persons and the National System for the Search for Persons.


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