CNDH addresses Recommendation to the IMSS for the inadequate medical

Human rights violations were recorded at the General Hospital of Zone No. 46 (HGZ-46) in Villahermosa, Tabasco

The victim went to the hospital on July 4, 2016 at 36.3 weeks of gestation, where the medical staff in charge applied medication to make the delivery occur naturally, despite the fact that she had scheduled a cesarean section, since her offspring was “too large”, which caused medical complications at the time of her birth, such as asphyxia and injuries to her left arm (damage to ligaments and tendons), causing her to remain 28 days in recovery in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the aforementioned hospital.

The CNDH warned that IMSS personnel incurred medical malpractice by not being present in the work room on the date and time of the offspring’s birth, knowing that the mother required close gynecological-obstetric surveillance and monitoring due to the high probabilities of complications due to the size of the product, failing to provide timely medical treatment during childbirth care. , and for not carrying out the procedures to transfer her to another institution or nosocomio for her due attention, which deteriorated the state of health of her descendant, which led to leave irreversible sequelae in her left arm, such as loss of the function of said limb, specifically in shoulder, elbow and hand, causing affectations in her life project , and that of his family, to the detriment of his fundamental rights.

For this reason, this National Commission requested the Director General of the IMSS, in coordination with the Executive Commission for Attention to Victims, to provide full reparation for the damage to the victims, including fair and sufficient compensation for the bad practice that led to the damage caused to the life project of the descendant , in terms of the General Victims Law; they are registered in the National Register of Victims; medical and psychological care required by victims is provided by specialized professional personnel, and continuously until they reach their full mental and emotional recovery, taking into account their age and specific needs, as well as providing them with medicines appropriate to their situation.

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