NHRC celebrates reform that expedites issuance of protection orders for women victims of violence

The right of the women to a violence-free life.

The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) welcomes the implementation of the reform to the General Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence concerning protection orders, orders that must be granted when the competent authorities become informed of an act of violence presumably constitutive of a crime or infraction that may endanger the integrity, liberty or life of girls or women. After the aforementioned reform was published on March 18 in the Official Gazette of the Federation, the National Commission recognizes the importance of issuing protection orders within four hours after the facts are known; the duration of 60 days and its extension for 30 more days or until the risk ceases; the respect for the autonomy of the victims; the provision of measures to guarantee its compliance, monitoring and execution, as well as the provision that in cases of sexual violence, girls or women are channeled to health institutions, as established in the regulations.

For the NCHR, protection orders are acts of urgent application based on the best interests of the victim and at all times prevent the aggressor, directly or through a third party, from having contact of any kind or means with the affected person, by means of the aggressor vacating the marital or partner’s domicile, regardless of the accreditation of ownership or possession of the property, even in cases of leasing the same.

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