NHRC visited CERESO in Veracruz to verify the conditions in where women private prison are living.

The human rights of women private of their liberty.

Personnel from the National Human Rights Commission ( NHRC) and the Subsecretariat of Prevention and Citizen Participation of the Secretariat of Public Security of the state of Veracruz, visited the Amatlán de los Reyes Mixed Social Readaptation Center of that entity, to verify the conditions in which women deprived of their liberty, their daughters and sons live, with respect to the male inmates in said penitentiary center.

In the framework of International Women’s Day, a tour of the facilities was conducted to verify the adjustments made for the effective separation of men and women, as well as for women facing trial and those who have already been sentenced. It was also verified that such remodeling allows women deprived of their liberty, their daughters and sons, to have a dignified habitability, safe spaces and electrical, hydraulic and sanitation facilities in good condition, according to their specific needs according to their gender.

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