CNDH issues Recommendation to the CEFERESO of Michoacán

Prison authorities failed to provide timely medical care to the victim, who was living with HIV

On November 16, 2020, the Michoacán State Human Rights Commission (CEDH) received a complaint stating that the victim, who was deprived of liberty in that prison and who was living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), had had his retroviral medications changed and was only given omeprazole, which led to an aggravation of his health.

Given this, this person, of Peruvian nationality, was transferred on December 11, 2020 to the Federal Center for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (CEFEREPSI), located in the state of Morelos and later to the General Hospital “Dr. Ángel Ventura Neri” of that entity, where he died.

The investigation carried out by the CNDH revealed that the authorities responsible for CEFERESO in Michoacán committed acts and omissions by not quantifying the necessary viral load on the victim and the doctor specializing in infectology did not follow up on his state of health, in order to provide him with the timely medical attention he required; therefore, according to the evidence in the complaint file, violations of the human rights to life, health protection, legal security and legality were proven.

For this reason, the National Commission requests the Head of the OADPRS to locate the persons affected by the death of the victim and, in coordination with the Executive Commission for Attention to Victims, to proceed with the full reparation of the damages caused, including fair and sufficient compensation and to register them in the National Registry of Victims so that they have access to the Fund for Aid, Assistance and Integral Reparation.

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